April 16th – Amberwood Creek HOA – Business Mtg

HOA Business Mtg 041619

4/16/19 – Amberwood Creek HOA – Business Meeting


  1. Dues – Will send out letters to those who have not paid
  2. Graduation Banner – List the names and Jade will have the banner made next week $40
    1. Chisom Ezekwueche – Harrison High School
    2. Mallory Fisher – Harrison High School
    3. Eric Encinas – Kennesaw Mountain High School
    4. Kristin Beck – Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  3. Pool
    1. Repairs: Will work as chlorine and cleaning out the sand filter and any other repairs that need to be made. $1800 previously allocated in the budget.
    2. Opening: Pool Party: May 18 – 1:00 – 4:00 – add to the newsletter Budget: $400
      1. Kona Ice: Handout tickets for the kids – $150 + $3.00 for any over 50 cones
      2. Grill – Hot dogs, burgers, chips, drinks, water
  4. Facebook: Neighborhood facebook: Closed group:
    1. Amberwood Creek HOA- Like the business page then, request to join the group page
  5. Yard Sale: April 26 – 27. Notify AmberwoodHOAEvents@gmail.com to list your address and the day you’d like to participate to receive your balloon.
  6. Spring Clean up
    1. Teams – 4 people, 1 general contractor, 1 painter, irrigation system,
    2. Budget – Spring Cleanup $600 budget – Overall Landscape budget: $6400
    3. Bushes and Gutters
      1. Board near chimney needs repair
      2. Bushes need trimming and cleaning gutters – $200
      3. Deck: Back balcony deck of Club House – Quote $1000. But, HOA volunteers will complete.
  7. New Business
    1. Clubhouse fascia: Need quotes for repairing boards
    2. Tennis Courts:
      1. Multi Year Project: Quote – Replacing halogen with LED
        1. Resurface, repairing cracks, bulbs, new center net – $13,500
          1. $4500 are for the lights (Halogen with LED)
          2. $9,000 to resurface w/o the light replacement. Largest $ amount is to seal the cracks
          3. Swing: Repair the bolts on the swing. $15 and will include in the spring clean up.
          4. Basketball court: Look into an estimate for either a portion of the parking lot or make the tennis court dual usage for basketball.
    3. Please email Jade Ivey if you would like to purchase pine straw.