Architectural Guidelines

These guidelines are meant to supplement the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Amberwood Creek Subdivision” and are not intended to alter or change that document. Please email any questions to

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) shall consider the following factors upon the review of each application for an exterior change, addition or improvements:

  1. Size and Dimension;
  2. Color and harmony with existing structures and improvements;
  3. Quality of construction materials;
  4. Location;
  5. Community wide standards;
  6. Existing structures on both the applicant’s property as well as surrounding properties;
  7. The consequences on property value and appearance to surrounding properties and the subdivision at large;
  8. The consequences of a physical change upon a property if applied universally throughout the subdivision; and
  9. The long term benefit, consequence, or harm to the subdivision at large.
    The following guidelines may be amended by the ACC for a specific property at any time. All modifications and requests must be submitted in writing and approved by the ACC.

All modifications & miscellaneous structures must be submitted to and approved by the ACC prior to commencing any work.


  • Decks must be to the rear of and behind the house unless specifically approved otherwise by the ACC.
  • Deck materials must be cedar, redwood or pressure treated pine. Deck supports shall be a minimum of 6×6 wood posts.
  • Decks must have all non-decking surfaces finished to match the house trim. Slight variations to decks may be allowed with specific approval of ACC, such as use of improved materials not readily available prior to construction of the initial home in the community.


  • Mailboxes shall conform to the neighborhood standard and when possible shall be placed on the left hand side of the driveway, but in no case closer to the property line than 6 feet.
  • All mailbox structures must be repainted and/or replaced with the same color, style and material as the original installation or approved by the ACC.


  • Fences shall be specifically submitted for ACC approval for both design and location.
  • Fence locations are generally approved to be to the rear of the house and to the property lines or directly behind the house. Exceptions to this guideline may be considered to avoid meters, air conditioning equipment, trees, and severe slopes and to enclose basement doors; these exceptions may be made at the sole discretion of the ACC.
  • Corner lot fences in the street side yard shall be no closer to the street than the building line and may be required to be screened with landscaping.
  • Custom designs must be consistent with the house design, approved by ACC and located directly behind the house.
  • Fences are not allowed in buffers or landscape easements.
  • Freestanding dog pens are prohibited.

Attached Structures

  • Attached structures and additions must be designed and constructed to be compatible with the existing house and must be approved by the ACC.

Storage and Garden Sheds

  • Storage and Garden Sheds are discouraged, but may be considered if consistent with the house design and approved by the ACC. To be considered consistent, a shed must be built with like materials, colors and design.
  • Any accessory structure must be located to the rear of the house and not visible from the street. Any such structure must be approved in writing, in advance by the Architectural Control Committee.

Gazebos (Prior ACC Approval Required)

  • Gazebos are allowed but must be specifically approved by the ACC and must be placed within the building lines.

Detached Structures

  • Detached enclosed structures are discouraged, but may be considered and may be approved by the ACC before any work begins.

Patio Covers and Trellises (Prior ACC Approval Required)

  • Patio covers and trellises should be constructed of cedar, redwood or pressure treated pine and should be finished to match the trim of the house and shall be detailed to be compatible with the design of the house.

Pools, Hot Tubs and Landscaping Ponds (Prior ACC Approval Required)

  • Pools, hot tubs and landscaping ponds shall be located directly behind the house with the edge of the water no closer than 20 feet from the property lines and will be considered on a case by case basis. Once approved and constructed they must be properly maintained. They must not create unpleasant odors or unsightly algae growth.
  • All pool equipment must be within the fence, a minimum of 10 feet off the property lines, located and screened so it will not be visible or a nuisance.
  • Above ground pools and inflatable bubbles are prohibited.

Play Equipment (Prior ACC Approval Required)

  • Play equipment, when possible shall be located directly behind the house. If this is not possible, the equipment must be at least 10 feet off all property lines and screened from view from the street.
  • Equipment will not be approved for the front or side yards. Equipment shall be made of natural wood or dark colored metal or plastic. The only approved colors for play equipment is black, dark green or dark brown. Roofs shall be of natural dark painted materials or dark green canvas.
  • No other recreational equipment shall be installed nor play sets not in accordance with this section without prior approval from the ACC.

Basketball Goals (Prior ACC Approval Required)
(Per the covenants second amendment, published November 9, 2001)

  • Basketball goals must be mounted on a clear or white backboard and a black pole.
  • On side entry garages goals must be placed to the rear portion of the driveway. On front entry garages the goal must be at least 25 feet back from the street and in no case closer than half way down the driveway.
  • Basketball goals not in accordance with this section shall not be installed without prior approval from the ACC.

Exterior Lighting (Prior ACC Approval Required)

Exterior lighting is generally acceptable as follows:

  1. Utility/security lighting will normally be approved if installed in the soffit and to the rear of the front comers of the house and directed away from the street and adjoining properties.
  2. Carriage type pole lights may be approved within the building setback lines.
  3. Minimal “moon-lighting” and landscape lighting may be approved by the ACC.
  4. Seasonal decorative lights during the usual and common season (Thanksgiving through New Years). ACC reserves the right to limit size and scope of displays
  5. All exterior lighting should be a low-level, non-glare type and located to cause minimum visual impact to adjacent properties and streets

Satellite Dishes (Prior ACC Approval Required)

  • Satellite dishes shall be approved to be no larger than 1 meter in diameter and located for the least visual impact.
  • Dishes shall not be mounted on fencing and in no case will dishes or other receiving equipment be allowed in the front yard
  • ACC may require that equipment be painted to minimize visual impact.

Sculptures and Flagpoles

The ACC must approve exterior sculptures, flagpoles, fountains, birdbaths or any other similar exterior items. Decorative lawn ornaments are not recommended for the front yard, side street yard, back yard that backs up to public amenity, but may be approved by the ACC if a request is filed. In some limited cases approval may be given, but it must meet the following requirements:

  1. The lawn ornament cannot be over 2 feet in height must be made of concrete or metal and colors allowed can only be earth tone, white, gray black or green.
  2. All other lawn ornaments for side street yards and yards that public amenity, such as wagons wheels, sculptures, large rocks, decorative fencing, etc will allowed if located in an appropriate place. All items must be submitted to the ACC for approval prior to installation.

Freestanding flagpoles installed in the ground must be approved by the ACC. Flagpoles mounted to the house are allowed. Seasonal flags are allowed during appropriate seasons, American Flag can be flown at all times, Sports or University Flags may be flown on game weekend only. All flags must be maintained In good condition at all times
Small decorative yard flag/banners of ANY kind that are visible from the front street are not allowed.

Fountains and Birdbaths

  • Birdbaths are NOT allowed in the front yard, or side yard if visible from the street.
  • All other birdbaths must be approved, by the ACC, prior to installation.
  • Birdhouses may be permitted subject to approval of the ACC and the following:
  • A birdhouse and/or birdfeeder shall not be placed in the front yard.


  • Benches and swings visible from any street or amenity must be approved by the ACC.


  • Clotheslines of any type are prohibited.

Woodpiles, Air conditioning units & Garbage cans (solid waste)

  • Woodpiles, air conditioning units & garbage cans must be screened from view from all adjacent properties and streets.
  • Window air conditioning units are prohibited.
  • All rubbish, trash and garbage shall be regularly removed and shall not be allowed to accumulate.
  • There shall be no dumping of grass clippings, leaves or other debris; rubbish, trash or garbage; petroleum product fertilizers or other potentially hazardous or toxic substances in any drainage ditch, creek, storm sewers or stream or any portion of the lot within the properties.


  • Signage required by legal proceedings is permitted.
  • Not more than one professional security sign and/or Real Estate sign of reasonable size may be permitted by the ACC. The ACC, at its sole discretion, may define what is a reasonable size.
  • All other signage must be approved by the ACC.


  • Home sites must be kept clean, mowed, weeded, mulched and free of debris.
  • Home sites must be maintained as to paint, roof, windows, trim, etc.
  • Any variation from the original paint colors for house, trim, doors, windows, etc. must be submitted to the ACC for approval. Clich here to view approved paint colors.Amberwood Paint Selections 2016


  • Homeowner parking must be in the garage or driveway only.
  • The following vehicles are strictly prohibited from being parked, stored, or allowed to remain on the streets of the subdivision or outside on any home: abandoned vehicles, disabled vehicles, stored vehicles.
  • Except for emergencies, no repairs to vehicles may be made outside on at any home or any other portions of the subdivision or street.

Commercial and Recreational Vehicles and Trailers

  • No tractors, vehicles having in excess of six wheels, vehicles primarily used for commercial purposes over three-quarter tons in weight, trailers, containers primarily used for commercial purposes, or vehicles with commercial writing on their exteriors shall be stored, allowed to remain, or continuously parked in the subdivision.
  • No mobile home, camper, recreational vehicles (RV) or trailer shall be parked at any home nor shall any of the same be utilized as a residence on any portion of the lot at any time either temporarily or permanently without the consent of the ACC. The term “recreational vehicles” has been interpreted by the ACC to include boats and boating equipment.

Animals and Pets

  • No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind may be raised, bred, kept, or permitted on any lot, with the exception of dogs, cats, or other usual and common household pets in reasonable number, as determined by the ACC.
  • Pets may not be tied outside without constant supervision. When walking pets, owners are responsible for clean up of pets refuse.
  • Usual and common household pets include birds and fish, but do not include wild, exotic, or bizarre animals such as, but not limited to, pigs, snakes, reptiles, rodents and so forth.
  • No animals shall be kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes without prior written ACC approval.
  • The owners of the pet shall be responsible for all of the pet’s actions.
  • Doghouse exterior colors and materials must relate to the exterior of the house. The structure should be screened from any view from surrounding roads and be discreetly located to not cause a nuisance to neighbors. Clothesline and/or fenced “dog runs’ are not allowed.


  • With the exception of natural or undisturbed areas, the front yards must be sodden with Bermuda. Corner lots require Bermuda sod on all road frontages.
  • All beds shall be mulched with pine straw. A four (4) inch deep trench to contain mulch in an island is preferred and no approval is necessary.
  • All edging material MUST be approved by the ACC.
  • Foundation plantings along street facing elevations are to be a minimum 3-gallon size plants for lower growing varieties, and a minimum 7-gallon size for higher growing varieties.
  • Corner plants should be a minimum of 5 feet tall.
  • Artificial vegetation of any type is prohibited.
  • All additional landscaping to the front or side yards must have written approval from the ACC.