March 06, 2018 HOA meeting minutes

HOA meeting

March 06, 2018

Attendance: Matt Michler, Christi Brogden, Carrol Long, LaSheriny Word, Cyndi Cox


Make sure you’ve liked and follow our Facebook Page.  We will have updates and information posted for easy access.  Also, if you have questions/requests for the community, our Facebook page is a great place to ask.  Anyone know a good electrician?  House painter?  Babysitter?


Easter Egg Hunt: We would like to put together an Easter Egg Hunt for March 25th.  If your family is interested in participating, please contact LaSheriny at


Spring Beautification Day will be May 6th.  A list is starting to be compiled for projects that need to be completed.


Discussed the pool opening and celebration.  Matt will discuss with the pool maintenance company to confirm a date.


Graduation Banner – Matt will follow up with a local school who has a graphic design class to ask about getting banner printed.  Cyndi will send an email asking community for graduating senior’s names to put on banner.


Cyndi will add a new email address for the treasurer.


Started discussion about limiting/prohibiting rentals in the community.  This will require a vote by the community.  Further discussion is needed before we put a vote to the community.


AT&T yard patches:  Christi will get the contact information for AT&T.  If the grass planted by AT&T is not adequate or wasn’t placed, home owners can contact AT&T and they are supposed to come out and fix the patches.


We are in need of someone to clean the pool bathrooms 1x/week. We have a small amount of money in the budget to pay the person.  We are gathering cleaning people/companies information to see if they can/will do it.


HOA dues letter needs to go out ASAP.  Christi will send a PDF to Cyndi, who will then send it out in a newsletter email and post it on the Amberwood HOA website, a paper letter will be mailed to each house, and a notice will be posted on our Facebook account.


Discussion on club house rentals


Architectural committee discussed a notice/request by a resident for changes to their exterior.


Next HOA meeting will be held on Wednesday March 28th at 6:30pm at the Club House.  Any and all community members are welcome to attend.