Amberwood Beautification

Hello Neighbors! Attached is a list of a beautification tasks that need to be completed in our neighborhood.  We’re asking our neighbors to volunteer to complete a task. If these tasks are not completed by our community members, we will have to hire someone to complete them and we don’t have the money in the budget, which means we will need to raise dues to cover the costs.  We’re asking that the neighborhood pull together to help make their community beautiful. 

Please let the board know which task(s) you will complete and when, and the board will make sure the needed supplies are purchased.  

We expect there will be other items to be added to this list (like the vines on the pool fence need to be cut back (do we have a volunteer for that?)). If you see something, please let the board know what it is, if you will complete the task and what supplies are needed.

Amberwood Work Items June 2018